
Showing posts from March, 2024

2) I Bet You Didn't Know This About the Word, 'Homestead'.

  'Homestead'  Predates Homesteading act of 1862  Forget everything you think you know about homesteading ! The words homestead and homesteading isn’t even originally American and dates way back in Europe including the United Kingdom, which wasn’t actually united back then. Sometimes you have to look back to move forward. Let’s explore that then. I'd like to open your mind to a totally different idea about what homesteading actually is, where the word actually comes from and what it meant then. You’ll learn how to say hello in a very old language and gain some bragging rights. Since the creation of the Homesteading Act of 1862 in America, the information is freely available on the internet but generally, it included land up to 160 acres and the claimant had to subsist on that land for 5yrs to claim the deeds to it.   Those who subsisted off the land were homesteaders. That technicality evolved over the generations since to include smaller parcels of land an