6) How to Add Gardening to Your Emergency Prepping. Part of Provident Living/Homesteading
Part of Provident living By Sindy Wakeham How can any preparations done in and around the house be complete without the use of a garden? Have you ever lived on store cupboard food, on its own, for any amount of time, short or long? My family have, for a very short time! Not going to lie, to make basic store cupboard food thing that our pampered tastebuds can endure out of those kinds of basics, takes a lot of creativity and a VERY diverse collection of added ingredients! What are those basics and ‘added’ ingredients? I’ll be going into that in other articles and videos between both blogs and YouTube channels; Blue Garden Cottage and Escaping the Dole with Sindy . For now I’m concentrating on the importance of the garden as part of emergency and production and preservation of home grown produce. The Store Cupboard This week I've been focusing on the UK Government’s re-release or rather update of their Prepare website. It encourages citizens to store 3 mont...