
Showing posts from January, 2025

Experimenting in the Garden. Make Do Seed Snail Trial. I Love This Idea! (Part 1)

  If you're eager, ready and waiting to get your seeds in the soil but don't have the space for the amount of seeds you intend over sowing (who doesn't sow too many?!) then this is the article for you.  Seed Snails! I have only recently discovered this crazy method of sowing seeds. No idea why it has taken me this long to discover it but if like me it's new to you, read on. This method is amazing. I give full credit to the lady who posted it on her Instagram at the end of this article.  So what's a seed snail? Quickly and simply, it's a roll of something with compost in it that you sow your seeds in. As per the picture at the top of this article. I say 'something' because from all the other sources I've found since, you can use any thing that will keep moisture and soil in and to a degree, insulate.  How is it made?  Look, it's simpler and easier if I show you. Here are some images I took while making my first one with what and how I did it. Mate...

Swap your New Year's Resolutions for Achievable Long Term Self-Sufficiency Gaols and Plans.

Suburban Self-Sufficiency Workshop Fit for the 21st Century. (By Sindy Wakeham) How can you make your home and garden into a self-sufficiency homestead while still living a modern lifestyle?  I have launched my first in-person workshop in Cardiff, South Wales for Wed, 22nd January 2025, 12am till 14:00pm. It will answer that question and many more about living self-sufficiently in your suburban home and garden in the 21st century, in a more appropriate and sustainable way.  I'm happy to share one of my mistakes too. I forked out a fair bit on flyers, put the bargain discounted price on and then the end of the month arrived so now I have to go and make the discount permanent or the flyers will be void and useless!😂 So the workshop will have to be reduced for this one. Well, you live and learn. Note to self... don't put the price on the flyer! I am so excited about this and there's only two weeks to go so plenty ...